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Humans are by far the most populous of the races in Hökaland. They are hungry for experiences and accomplish much in their relatively short life spans. It is a flame that burns brightly, but shortly.

Human culture

Elves, dwarves and halflings have relatively homogenous cultures and livestyles. Though there are differences between the Lofty Peaks and between dwarves living among humans, in the wild or in the secluded dwarven homeland, there are even larger differences between different human cultures. Even between the Northrealms, Midrealms and Southrealms there are some noticeable differences, and there are humans in the Quakelands, the Desiccant Sea and possibly beyond. Those more far-away cultures are even more different and have humans of all sorts of colours.

Human traits

Humans are diverse, but they do have some things in common. They are quite hardy and, primarily, adaptable. They can be capricious or generous, lazy and energetic and everything in between. "Unpredictable", an elf would say while a ratel would call them anything but (and wimps to boot!).