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This is just a snippet from my notes.

The Church if Rahn, which had seen diminished following during the Prosperous Times, bound to new heights after the full extent of the Ruiner became apparent. Together with the newly initiated Governors, they managed to pick up the slack and turn Capitoleum around, but lost the empire. This was of course partly due to the fact that the Governor families had been too headstrong in assuring their own, personal, powers. However, power of Capitoleum and the Resplendent Fields (or the Fields) dissipated into the individual kingdoms.

The result was that the Governors kept control of Capitoleum and its immense trading riches, the Church of Rahn acquired a strong position in the lives of people everywhere, the Sickle lost significant portion of power and started accumulating an army as well as trying to cement what they could of their influence.

The biggest winner of both the Prosperous Times, the Ruining, the Tumult (also known as the Capitoleum wars) and the Restoration is the Family Register which was lucky enough to be useful to all types of factions through good times and bad. By the end of the Restoration, the Register was less a service than an obligation and decrees made by it even overturned Governor decrees at times. Despite this, they were always seen as a useful service that could be trusted in all things and never interested in power. This was recognised by Register elders during the Tumult, and unbeknownst to most, became an important facet to Register rulings. Besides the fact that most Administrators are mostly interested in the facts anyway, effort was made to obscure the amount of power they had, in essence trying to become an invisible hand guiding civilisation.